Pole 15

Zeeasterweg, Lelystad (lot S54/S55)
In August 1963, it is believed that large bicycle wheels and some wood were found on the lot behind this memorial pole. Upon closer inspection, these turned out to be the remains of a twin-engine German biplane bomber from the First World War. The crew of this Gotha G.IV 1065/16 of Bomberstaffel 16 of Kampfgeschwader 3 took part in an attack on London in the night of 28 to 29 September 1917. Their home base Gontrode near Ghent no longer reached the crew. They probably lost their orientation due to bad weather conditions and eventually the device crashed into the IJsselmeer. The three crew members were killed.
Pilot: Emil Haas, Vizefeldwebel, 27 years old
Commander: Martin Emmler, Leutnant, 31 years old
Air gunner: Heinz Schreiber, Vizefeldwebel, 21 years old
Haas, Emmler and Schreiber were buried in Vollenhove, Kampen and Blankenham respectively. All three were reburied at the German military cemetery in Ysselsteyn (Limburg).