In the period from 1975 to 2022, Airgunners came to Dronten every year to attend the commemoration. The monument in Dronten is special because this monument is in memory of all killed allied aircrew. Dronten offered them a place to reflect on their deceased friends. In 2022, an Airgunner was present at the commemoration for the last time. From 2023, the banner of the Air Gunners Association will take a central place in the commemoration on May 4.
Many years ago, intentions were expressed between the Municipality of Dronten and the Air Force that, if there were no more Airgunners, this would be taken over by 11 Airmobile Brigade. This unit within the Army is the authority when it comes to air maneuvers. Achieving military effects on land from or via the air. Due to the unique cooperation of air and groundwork, the Airmobile Brigade can be deployed quickly. A number of soldiers from this unit are now present on 4 May.