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Presentation in elderly home De Regenboog

Also this year, board members of the 4 Mei Dronten Foundation visited De Regenboog in Dronten. Jan Benning and Bart Doeze Jager gave a lecture for the residents, focusing on the foundation and the upcoming commemoration, but of course they went back to the Second World War.

Presentation in elderly home De Regenboog

The story of the Lancaster ED 357, whose propeller is part of the Kite Monument on the Meerpaalplein, still makes an impression. The lecture was reinforced by various visual materials, also items from the collection of the Airgunnersroom were shown.

Stichting 4 Mei Herdenking Dronten

p/a De Volte 28, 8252 GB  Dronten

KVK 39085623


AVG | ©2025 Stichting 4 Mei Herdenking Dronten

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