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Freedom soup at the Kite Monument

The first edition of pouring Freedom Soup at the Kite Monument on the Meerpaalplein was a success. Many interested people came to see the beautifully laid wreaths of flowers at the monument. Afterwards, they could participate in the Freedom Supper between 1 and 4 p.m.

Freedom soup at the Kite Monument

Together we ate the delicious Freedom Soup after a recipe by Youtube chef Nick Toet. Inspiration for his version of the tomato soup came from his grandmother's recipe. The soup was served in the official Freedom Meal cups, which guests were allowed to take home. Pancake House Holland was kind enough to allow the foundation into their kitchen to heat up the soup.

Several Dronten people sat together at the table for a nice conversation, where age, origin or outlook on life made no difference. Mayor Jean Paul Gebben also attended the freedom meal with enthusiasm. Under the radiant sun we were able and allowed to celebrate Freedom together.

Stichting 4 Mei Herdenking Dronten

p/a De Volte 28, 8252 GB  Dronten

KVK 39085623


AVG | ©2025 Stichting 4 Mei Herdenking Dronten

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